Operating and installation instructionsFrost free fridge-freezerwith PerfectFresh zoneand Dynamic coolingKFN 9758 iDTo avoid the risk of accidents ord
~Safe operation of the appliance isonly assured if it has been installed andconnected in accordance with theseoperating and installation instructions.
~Do not store explosive materials inthe appliance or any productscontaining propellants (e.g. spraycans). Thermostats switching on mayproduce sparks w
~The appliance is designed for usewithin certain climate ranges (ambienttemperatures), and should not be usedoutside this range. The climate rangefor
Normal energyconsumptionIncreased energyconsumptionInstallation site In a ventilated room. In an enclosed, unventilated room.Protected from direct sun
Before using for the first timeThe stainless steel trim to the interiorshelves and the door shelves has alayer of protective foil to preventscratching
Switching off^Press the master switch on the righthand side of the control panel untilboth temperature displays go out.The cooling system is switched
^Press the master switch on the righthand side of the control panel tocome out of the setting mode.If you do not do this, the electronics willswitch o
It is very important to set the correcttemperature for storing food in theappliance. Micro-organisms will causefood which is not stored at the correct
Setting the temperature in therefrigerator section / freezersectionUse the two buttons underneath therespective temperature displays to setthe tempera
^Press one of the temperature selectorbuttons repeatedly until a= appearsin the display. Then press the Superfreeze button again.= lights up in the di
Guide to the appliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Caring for the environment. . . . .
Temperature display brightnessThe appliance is supplied with thebrightness of the temperature displayset as low as possible. However, if thedoor is op
Your appliance has been fitted with awarning system which ensures that thetemperature in the freezer sectioncannot rise unnoticed and to avoidenergy b
Super coolThe Super cool function can be used torapidly reduce the temperature in therefrigerator section to its lowest setting(depending on the room
Switching off Super freezeDepending on the amount of foodplaced in the freezer section, the Superfreeze function will switch offautomatically after ap
Different storage zonesDue to the natural circulation of the airin the appliance, there are differenttemperature zones in the refrigerator.Cold, heavy
Food which should not bestored in a refrigeratorNot all food is suitable for refrigeration.This includes:–Fruit and vegetables which aresensitive to c
For every type of food, there are idealstorage conditions to ensure it staysfresh as long as possible, retainingboth flavour and vitamins.The importan
Always keep these foods covered orwrapped.Exception: Meat The surface of themeat dries out slightly, helping toprevent the growth of bacteria, whichre
Examples of fruit and vegetableswhich produce a large amount of thisnatural gas are:Apples, apricots, pears, nectarines,peaches, plums, avocado, figs,
Moving the shelvesThe shelves can be adjusted accordingto the height of the food.^Raise the shelf, and pull it forwardsslightly until the notch at the
Adjusting the interior fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29Moving the shelves ...
^Carefully pull out the lid between thecompartments slightly, and lift itdown and out.^To replace it, insert the compartmentlid from beneath into the
Maximum freezing capacityTo ensure that fresh food placed in thefreezer freezes through to the core asquickly as possible, the maximumfreezing capacit
Home freezingOnly freeze fresh food which is in agood condition.Hints on home freezing–The following types of food aresuitable for freezing:Fresh meat
^Make a note of the contents and thedate of freezing on the packaging.Before placing food in the freezer^When freezing more than 2 kg offresh food, sw
DefrostingFrozen food can be defrosted indifferent ways:–in a microwave oven,–in an oven using the "Fan" or"Defrost" setting,–at r
Freezer trayThe freezer tray is useful for freezingsmall items such as berries, herbs andvegetables. They can be frozenindividually and therefore main
Refrigerator section andPerfectFresh zoneCondensate and frost can build up onthe back wall of the refrigerator sectionand the PerfectFresh zone whilst
Never use cleaning agentscontaining abrasive substancessuch as sand, soda, acids, chloridesor chemical solvents. "Non-abrasive"cleaning agen
^After cleaning, wipe the interior andaccessories with a damp cloth anddry with a soft cloth. Leave the doorsopen to air the appliance for a shortwhil
Repairs to electrical appliancesshould only be carried out by asuitably qualified and competentperson in strict accordance withcurrent local and natio
Building-in dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47Adjusting the door hinges . . . . . . .
. . . the compressor is switching intoo frequently and for too long.^Check whether the ventilation gaps inthe plinth and in the housing unit atthe top
. . . the Super freeze indicator lightdoes not light up, even though theappliance is working.The indicator light is defective. Call theService Departm
Normal noises What causes themBrrrrr... Humming noise made by the motor (compressor). This noise canget louder for brief periods when the motor is swi
In the event of a fault which you cannotcorrect yourself, or if the appliance isunder guarantee, please contact:–your Miele Dealeror–Miele(see back co
Electrical connection U.K.All electrical work should be carried outby a suitably qualified and competentperson in strict accordance with currentlocal
To avoid a hazard due to instabilityof the appliance, it must be installedin accordance with theseinstructions.LocationThe appliance should be install
VentilationAir at the back of the appliance getswarm. The appliance housing unit mustbe constructed to allow sufficient spacefor ventilation.A ventila
Freezer section height Niche heightABKFN 9758 iD 695 1772 - 1788Building-in dimensions47
The door hinges are set ex-works toenable the doors to be opened wide.However, if the opening angle of thedoors needs to be limited for anyreason, the
Before building the appliance in, youwill need to decide on which side thedoor is to be hinged. If left hand doorhinging is required, follow theinstru
a On/Off button for switching therefrigerator section / PerfectFreshzone on and off separately.b Refrigerator section temperaturedisplayc Refrigerator
^Undo ball joint d using a spannerand remove it.^Stand the appliance doors up one byone, and slacken the hinges at thefront (the hinges remain open).^
^ Hang the doors onto the pre-fittedscrews, and push the doors inwards.^ Tighten the screws at the top, middleand bottom securely.^ Replace covers a,
All fitting instructions given are for aright hand hinged appliance. If youhave converted the appliance to lefthand hinging you will need to adaptthes
Preparing the appliance^Slide cover strip a into the holder asshown, with the bumps facingdownwards. The bumps will fit intokeyhole slots b.^ Position
^Open both appliance doors.^ Using a screwdriver, remove coverg from the top corner of theappliance.^Fit cover h onto fixing bracket i.^Secure fixing
Building in the appliance– With 16 mm thick walls:The spacers should touch the frontedge at the top and bottom of theside walls of the housing unit, d
Securing the appliance in theniche^ Press the appliance against thehousing unit on the hinge side.^ To fix the appliance to the housingunit at the top
^Break off the protruding end ofbottom cover e. It is no longerrequired.^Fit angled cover g onto bottom fixingbracket c.^Close the appliance doors.Fit
^ Hang the furniture door ontoadjusting bolts h.^ Loosely attach nuts c on theadjusting bolts.^ Close the door and check thedistance between the door
^ Close both of the doors, and alignthem with the neighbouring furnituredoors.^ Whilst counterholding adjusting boltsg with a screwdriver, tighten nut
a Dynamic cooling fanb Adjustable shelvesc PerfectFresh zone, dry compartmentd Control for setting the moisture levelin the humidity controlledcompart
To make sure the appliance iscorrectly fitted:–The doors must close properly.–The doors must not touch thehousing unit.–The seals at the top edge of t
Alteration rights reserved / 2510KFN 9758 iDM.-Nr. 07 472 420 / 03
Disposal of the packingmaterialThe transport and protective packinghas been selected from materials whichare environmentally friendly fordisposal, and
This appliance complies with allrelevant legal safety requirements.Improper use of the appliance can,however, present a risk of bothpersonal injury an
Technical safety~Before setting up the appliance,check it for any externally visibledamage.Do not install and use a damagedappliance.~This appliance c
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